Why Deny Science?
Have you ever had a conversation with someone who denies a scientific finding? Perhaps that conversation was about something as big as climate change or something as small as the health effects of eating chocolate. But in most cases, there is a pattern to how people argue against scientific findings, no matter the scope of the issue at hand.
In this talk, philosopher Michael Goldsby sorts through the tactics and reasons many people use to argue against scientific claims. Though science is far from perfect, science denialism can have far-reaching impacts, especially in an era of critical issues like global warming and vaccines. Discover how to discuss scientific issues without being dismissive and learn about the richer discussions one can have when science, philosophy, and logic intersect.
Michael Goldsby (he/him) is an associate professor of philosophy in the School of Politics, Philosophy, and Public Affairs at Washington State University. He earned his PhD in the philosophy of science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is also a part of the Columbia FEW Storage Project, a team of researchers testing innovations to ensure food, energy, and water security in the Columbia River Basin throughout the 21st century and beyond. Goldsby lives in Pullman.
Why Deny Science
Goldsby Michael
September 21, 2023
Richland Public Library 7pm
Free and open to the public